Clap Plugins

WARN: This is an experimental feature, use at your own risk!

Vim-Clap was originally a mere Vim fuzzy picker plugin, however, the integration of a robust Rust backend unveiled the potential to implement various additional functionalities effortlessly, for enjoyable experimentation and potential performance enhancements.

Note that the vim-Clap plugins were mainly created for the plugin author's personal uses, thus they may not be feature-complete as their alternatives. Bugs are expected as these plugins are not extensively tested, feel free to use if you are brave enough.

You must enable the g:clap_plugin_experimental flag in your .vimrc and create a config file beforehand.

" Specify this variable to enable the plugin feature.
let g:clap_plugin_experimental = v:true

All the non-system plugins are disabled by default. To enable the plugins, you need to set enable = true explicitly for the plugins in the config file.

enable = true

Check out Available Plugins for detailed introduction to the plugins. Try :Clap clap_actions to take a look at the existing actions.