
User config file is loaded from:

  • Linux: ~/.config/vimclap/config.toml
  • macOS: ~/Library/Application\ Support/org.vim.Vim-Clap/config.toml
  • Windows: C:\Users\Alice\AppData\Roaming\Vim\Vim Clap\config\config.toml

The default config is as follows:

## Log configuration.
# Specify the max log level.
max-level = "debug"
# Specify the log target to enable more detailed logging.
# Particularly useful for the debugging purpose.
# ```toml
# [log]
# log-target = "maple_core::stdio_server=trace,rpc=debug"
# ```
log-target = ""

## Winbar configuration.
# Whether to enable the winbar.
enable = false
# Specify the display style for the file path in winbar.
file-path-style = "one-segment-per-component"

## Matcher configuration.
# Specify how the results are sorted.
tiebreak = "score,-begin,-end,-length"
# Whether to enable this plugin.
enable = false

# Whether to enable this plugin.
enable = false
# Whether to ignore the comment line
ignore-comment-line = false
# Disable the plugin when the file matches this pattern.
ignore-files = "*.toml,*.json,*.yml,*.log,tmp"
# Specify the keyword highlights.
# ```toml
# # The first item is the keyword itself, the next item is the highlight group for the keyword.
# # By default only TODO is highlighted and it's linked to `Todo` highlight group.
# keyword-highlight = [ ["TODO", "Todo"] ]
# # You can extend this list to define more keywords and their corresponding highlight group.
# keyword-highlight = [ ["TODO", "Todo"], ["FIXME", "Error"] ]
# ```
keyword-highlight = [["TODO", "Todo"]]
# This flag controls whether to only highlight the keywords in the comment line.
# This flag is set as `true` by default.
keyword-highlight-comment-line-only = true

# Whether to enable this plugin.
enable = false
# Disable this plugin if the file size exceeds the max size limit.
# By default the max file size limit is 4MiB.
max-file-size = 4194304

# Whether to enable this plugin.
enable = true

# Whether to enable this plugin.
enable = false

# Whether to enable this plugin.
enable = false
# Whether to include the declaration when invoking `ClapAction lsp.reference`.
include-declaration = false
# Specify the list of filetypes for which the lsp plugin will be disabled.
# If a filetype is included in this list, the Language Server Protocol (LSP) plugin
# will not be activated for files with that particular type.
filetype-blocklist = []
# Specifies custom languages that are not built into vim-clap.
# This config allows to define a new language or override the default value
# of the built-in language config. Note that if you are defining a new language,
# (check out the full list of supported languages by default in `languages.toml`),
# you need to provide associated language server configurations as well.
# # Example
# ```toml
# [[plugin.lsp.language]]
# name = "erlang"
# file-types = ["erlang"]
# root-markers = ["rebar.config"]
# language-servers = ["erlang-ls"]
# [plugin.lsp.language-server.erlang-ls]
# command = "erlang_ls"
# ```
language = []

# Specify language server configurations.
# # Example
# ```toml
# [plugin.lsp.language-server.rust-analyzer]
# procMacro.enable = false
# procMacro.attributes.enable = false
# diagnostics.disabled = [ "unresolved-proc-macro" ]
# ```

# Whether to enable this plugin.
enable = false
# Specify the port number for the preview page in browser.
# A random port will be used each time if not specified.
preview-port = 0

# Specify the strategy of tree-sitter rendering.
# The default strategy is to render the entire buffer until the
# file size exceeds 256 KiB.
# Possible values:
# - `visual-lines`: Always render the visual lines only.
# - `entire-buffer-up-to-limit`: Render the entire buffer until
# the buffer size exceeds the size limit (in bytes).
# # Example
# ```toml
# [plugin.syntax.render-strategy]
# strategy = "visual-lines"
# ```
strategy = "entire-buffer-up-to-limit"
file-size-limit = 262144

## Provider (fuzzy picker) configuration.
# Whether to share the input history among providers.
share-input-history = false
# Specify the syntax highlight engine for the provider preview.
# Possible values: `vim`, `sublime-syntax` and `tree-sitter`
preview-highlight-engine = "vim"

# Ignore configuration per project, with paths specified as
# absolute path or relative to the home directory.

# Ignore configuration per provider.
# There are multiple ignore settings, with priorities as follows:
# `provider_ignores` > `provider_ignores` > `global_ignore`

# Delay in milliseconds before handling the the user query.
# When the delay is set not-zero, some intermediate inputs
# may be dropped if user types too fast.
# By default the debounce is set to 200ms to all providers.
# # Example
# ```toml
# [provider.debounce]
# # Set debounce to 100ms for files provider specifically.
# "files" = 100
# ```

## Global ignore configuration.
# Whether to ignore the comment line when applicable.
ignore-comments = false
# Whether to include only results from files tracked by git, if in a git repository.
git-tracked-only = false
# Patterns for ignoring files based on their names.
# For instance, to exclude results from files whose names contain "test" for
# the dumb_jump provider:
# ```toml
# [provider.provider-ignores.dumb_jump]
# ignore-file-name-pattern = ["test"]
# ```
ignore-file-name-pattern = []
# Patterns for ignoring files based on their paths.
# For instance, to exclude the results from the folder whose names contain `test`
# in the project `~/src/`:
# ```toml
# [provider.project-ignores."~/src/"]
# ignore-file-path-pattern = ["test"]
# ```
ignore-file-path-pattern = []