Insert mode
- Use Ctrl-j/Down or Ctrl-k/Up to navigate the result list up and down linewise.
- Use PageDown/PageUp to scroll the result list down and up.
- Use Ctrl-a/Home to go to the start of the input.
- Use Ctrl-e/End to go to the end of the input.
- Use Ctrl-c, Ctrl-g, Ctrl-[ or Esc(vim) to exit.
- Use Ctrl-h/BS to delete previous character.
- Use Ctrl-d to delete next character.
- Use Ctrl-b to move cursor left one character.
- Use Ctrl-f to move cursor right one character.
- Use Ctrl-n for next input in the history.
- Use Ctrl-p for previous input in the history.
Use Enter to select the entry and exit.
- Use Enter to expand the directory or edit the file for
:Clap filer
- Use Enter to expand the directory or edit the file for
By default Alt-u does nothing.
- Use Alt-u to go up one directory in
:Clap filer
- Use Alt-u to go up one directory in
Use Tab to select multiple entries and open them using the quickfix window.(Need the provider has
support)- Use Tab to expand the directory for
:Clap filer
- Use Tab to expand the directory for
- Use Ctrl-t or Ctrl-x, Ctrl-v to open the selected entry in a new tab or a new split.
- Use Ctrl-u to clear inputs.
- Use Ctrl-l to launch the whole provider list panel for invoking another provider at any time.
- Use Shift-Tab to invoke the action dialog(vim only).
- Use Shift-up and Shift-down to scroll the preview.
NeoVim only
Normal mode
- Use j/Down or k/Up to navigate the result list up and down linewise.
By default Alt-u does nothing.
- Use Alt-u to go up one directory in
:Clap filer
- Use Alt-u to go up one directory in
- Use Ctrl-c, Ctrl-g or Esc to exit.
- Use Ctrl-d/Ctrl-u/PageDown/PageUp to scroll the result list down and up.
- Use Ctrl-l to launch the whole provider list panel for invoking another provider at any time.
- Use Ctrl-n for next input in the history.
- Use Ctrl-p for previous input in the history.
- Use Shift-up and Shift-down to scroll the preview.
- Use gg and G to scroll to the first and last item.
- Use Enter to select the entry and exit.
- Use Shift-Tab to invoke the action dialog.
Actions defined by
Cmdline mode
to exit.
See :help clap-keybindings
for more information. Note that the keybindings are not consistent due to discrepancies between Vim/Neovim and different providers.